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更新時間:2018-11-09 14:56







Sweet, my sweet, more sweet in the end

sing me words dried more than the sand

dreams of love and death

shamrocks in your hair

Leave, just leave this synthetic place

grass and worms will grow on the face

Snow-White treated skin

makes their death looking so evergreen!

Drinking some tea with trees in my backyard

gardens of daffodils dancing meanwhile

Yes, now I dance like a fool!

Fairies blowing dust

joke me with a taste of lust

skies are moving fast

so dance this ball as if you're going mad!

Drinking some pints of wine in a graveyard

gardens of daffodils dancing meanwhile

Yes, now I dance as a fool!

I'd love to be

green as a leaf

drunk of the springtime

life's never been

green as a leaf

to this sin...

to this sin!

To this sin...

to this sin!


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