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更新時間:2018-11-09 17:58





另外,'Infernus'在拉丁文中解作'Hell',另外全名為Infernus The Savior,即墮落的教世主。


On the planet on the damned people

Voices rend the dark

Obsessed with great response

They destroy all hopes (destroy all hopes)

It's the endless night to scary

It's the cold wind that blows

But suddenly you get down here

To save us all (save us all)

With blood you will defend the weakest

With anger you'll defeat the damned

With the honor you reach the sky

Tearing atmosphere (atmosphere)

You're terror of your enemies

The Guardian of Galaxies

You're the Savior of the Damned People

It's the reason for living (reason for living)

His spirit dominates elements

Master of fire

Forger of the times

Knowledge is his power

Courage is his true strength

Master of fire

Forger of the times


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